Sunday, March 03, 2013

New Beginnings

There are times when you suddenly feel like ending something and starting something without really thinking enough if you really want to end that something and start the other something. I know it's confusing, but I feel really confused too at them moment. Haha. I don't know what I'm saying and I'm not really sure if I need to explain myself to anyone for creating this new blog or if anyone really need any of my explanations. Haha. Anyway, to cut this short, I just want to let everyone know that I think I really need to move on from my oh-so-positive-blog-of-oh-so-artsy-fartsy-posts and pursue a REAL blog where I can really publish all the things that are running in my mind - either good or bad, happy or sad, random or not, etc. 

I honestly don't have any idea what you guys can expect from my new blog but I really hope and pray that this 'new beginning' that I'm trying to start would actually help me grow stronger and make me a mature individual. Let's just all hope and pray for the best! :)
I honestly believe that God is with me in this! No need to worry.

Larraine xx

P.S. I will try to clear my thoughts sooner and post a much interesting and understandable post. Thanks for reading though :) 

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Thank youuu for reading my post!!! :)
Larraine xx