Tuesday, July 14, 2015

"Let Go" of what you cannot control

Some say that to be really happy, you have to let go of things that you cannot control. I believe they are right. Many of us are afraid to let things or people go. Maybe some are not afraid but are not also ready to let go. Why is it hard to let go? Why is it so hard to let go of things or people who just give you sufferings or make your life complicated or in simple term -- things or people who don't make you happy?

Maybe you are still hoping for something wonderful to happen to save a very toxic relationship that's why you aren't ready to let go. Maybe you are afraid to be alone that is why you still choose to mingle with "so-called" friends who you know for yourself don't really care for you. Maybe you are stuck in a workplace where you are not happy but leaving cannot be an option because you have bills to pay or family to feed. These are just examples of scenarios which are causing you stress and anxiety.

To all my beloved readers who are in the situations above or having a really hard time to let go, think very well. You have your choice to let go of things that you cannot control. You have a choice to leave an unhealthy relationship. You have a choice to avoid the people who do not contribute good vibes in your life. You always have a choice no matter what. Even if the situation you are in seems to be going out of control, you always have a choice to focus on what you can control like your emotions or attitudes, which would give the situation a better and positive perspective.

Do yourself some favor and start letting go. Free yourself from those toxic situations you are in. Aim for a healthier lifestyle by letting the stress and anxities go. For sure, your future self will thank you for having the courage to leave those situations that make your life miserable.

Larraine xx

PS: Let go all the hurts and pains and let God renew you. Regain your strength through Him.

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Larraine xx